Empress Josephine's Cameo Parure

A parure of antique cameos and pearls set in red gold,
it consists of a tiara, earrings, necklace and brooch.
Said to have been owned by the Empress Josephine,
the parure was inherited by her granddaughter and
namesake, Duchess Josephine of Leuchtenberg,
who brought it to Sweden when she married the future
King Oscar I. Eventually the set went to her daughter,
Princess Eugenie, who later gave it to her nephew,
Prince Eugen. The prince in turn gave the parure to
Prince Gustaf Adolph Jr.'s bride, Princess Sibylla of
Saxe-Coburg Gotha, as a wedding gift. Three of her
daughters wore the tiara at their weddings, as well
as Queen Silvia. Not really a part of the foundation.

View Tiara
